Lodz, Lodz Voivodeship

Tourism and Recreation

Tourism & Hospitality / Tourism Management

Tourism and Recreation

You will learn to prepare, promote and sell tourist offers and services. You will gain knowledge in the fields of economics, management, marketing, PR and promotion in the sphere of tourism. Thanks to the internships you will gain practical experience in the functioning of a hotel, guest house or agritourism farm, gastronomy management and functioning of sanatoriums, SPA & Wellness. We will provide you projects and internships that you will take in the centers of the renowned MOLO hotel group.

Applicants with higher IELTS score will have a bigger chance to enrol. The application fee for EU citizens and citizens from UKRAINE, BELARUS, RUSSIA, AZERBAIJAN, GEORGIA, KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, MACEDONIA, MOLDOVA, TAJIKISTAN, TURKMENISTAN, UZBEKISTAN are charged 100EUR registration fee and 20EUR for documents verification. For citizens from other countries these fees are 200EUR and 40EUR respectfully. EU citizens and citizens from UKRAINE, BELARUS, RUSSIA, ARMENIA, AZERBAIJAN, GEORGIA, KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, MACEDONIA, MOLDOVA, TAJIKISTAN, TURKMENISTAN, UZBEKISTAN are charged 100EUR registration fee and 20EUR for documents verification. For citizens from other countries, these fees are 200EUR and 40EUR respectfully. EU citizens and citizens from UKRAINE, BELARUS, RUSSIA, ARMENIA, AZERBAIJAN, GEORGIA, KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, MACEDONIA, MOLDOVA, TAJIKISTAN, TURKMENISTAN, UZBEKISTAN receive a discount for tuition fee of 310EUR.

  • Undergraduate / Bachelor's Degree
  • Credit: 128
  • Full-time
  • Start date: 01-10-2022
  • End date: 01-06-2025
  • Gen. Deadline: 05-07-2022
  • Int. Deadline: 10-07-2022

Admission requirements

  • IELTS: 5
  • TOEFL: 50
  • GPA: 2.3

University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz

Per year Price: 3100 EUR
Apply Now