Barcelona, Catalonia

International Relations

Business / International Management

Specialization in Bachelor's Degree of International Management

The Bachelor of International Management with a Specialization in International Relations is a three-year undergraduate degree designed to provide you with the tools you will need to become a successful manager in international organizations. You will graduate with a solid understanding of the principal factors that influence global politics and foreign affairs.

Keep in mind that a non-refundable application fee of 150 EUR is required. Moreover, an administration fee of 1,900 EUR is required to be paid after the student receives a conditional letter of acceptance. An interview could be carried out as a part of the admission process. This program is available on three campuses: Barcelona, Madrid, and Geneva.

  • Undergraduate / Bachelor's Degree
  • Credit: 180
  • Full-time
  • Start date: 21-02-2022
  • End date: 01-06-2025
  • Gen. Deadline: 31-01-2022
  • Int. Deadline: 21-01-2022

Admission requirements

  • IELTS: 6
  • TOEFL: 70

Geneva Business School

Campus: Barcelona
Semester Price: 6950 EUR
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