
International Relations

Humanities & Culture / International Relations

International Relations

The purpose of this course is to provide you with a basic understanding of foreign affairs and introduce you to the fundamental principles of international relations within the political science framework. These principles will serve as the foundation for more advanced study in the International Relations field and will help you not only develop the critical thinking skills you need in order to analyze conflicts between states but the human relations skills you need to proactively avoid them. The difference between international relations and global diplomacy is that while traditional international relations is a study from afar, diplomacy will prepare you to actively pursue solutions that will serve to ensure and project a world where unity and security prevail. Diplomacy, in its purest form is not the art of prevailing over one’s rivals to make change, but the orchestration of perfection of communication skills to build understanding and harmony in the world as it is. The creation of a more harmonious world depends on the individual, his level of responsibility, his creativity, his ideas, his vision.

The registration fee might be added by the university.

  • Graduate / Professional Certificate
  • Credit: 15
  • Full-time
  • Start date: 23-09-2024
  • End date: 20-12-2024
  • Gen. Deadline: 15-06-2024
  • Int. Deadline: 05-06-2024

Admission requirements

  • IELTS: 6
  • TOEFL: 65
  • GPA: 2.5

European School of Economics

All course Price: 5000 EUR
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