United Kingdom

Airline and Airport Management

Transport & Logistics / Aviation

Bachelor of Science (top-up)

Studying at Sheffield Hallam enables your academic, personal and professional development. On this top-up course, you develop the knowledge, attributes and skills desired for highly skilled employment. With use of airline and airport simulation programmes, consultancy experience and regular guest lectures and field-trips, this industry-focused degree provides you with the appropriate knowledge and skills to become a highly employable individual within this global industry. You learn from current developments in the airline and airport industries and contemporary research. You also develop research skills and digital skills, which will help you to work and study more effectively. You enhance your professional skills by working with employers through consultancy experience and reflecting on your performance.

During your placement year you will pay a reduced fee of £1,200.

  • Undergraduate / Bachelor's Degree
  • Credit: 120
  • Full-time
  • Start date: 23-09-2024
  • End date: 24-05-2025
  • Gen. Deadline: 20-06-2024
  • Int. Deadline: 10-06-2024

Admission requirements

  • IELTS: 6
  • TOEFL: 79
  • GPA: 3

Sheffield Hallam University

Per year Price: 16655 GBP
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