United Kingdom

Computer Science for Games

Computer Science & IT / Computer Science

Bachelor of Science

You’ll gain a deep understanding of C/C++ programming for game development processes and technologies – including rendering and optimisation techniques using current gaming hardware. You’ll also put together a commercial-quality portfolio of computer game work during the course, suitable to show potential employers. The course is carefully structured to help you develop your skills and experience for a career in game development with the deeper level of knowledge you’ll need to create the tools used by game creators. One of the key ways you’ll learn is through a project-based approach, encouraging you to develop your skills while tackling meaningful and relevant projects. In your final year you’ll explore more advanced game development techniques such as shader programming, as well as refining the skills you’ve already developed. Importantly, you’ll develop skills in critical thinking so you can successfully reflect on your own work and appraise other people’s. This will give you the ability to evaluate your own progress and determine your own career goals.

During your placement year you will pay a reduced fee of £1,200.

  • Undergraduate / Bachelor's Degree
  • Credit: 360
  • Full-time
  • Start date: 23-09-2024
  • End date: 24-05-2027
  • Gen. Deadline: 20-06-2024
  • Int. Deadline: 10-06-2024

Admission requirements

  • IELTS: 6
  • TOEFL: 79
  • GPA: 3

Sheffield Hallam University

Per year Price: 16655 GBP
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