
International Culinary Arts

Tourism & Hospitality / Hospitality Management

Master of Business Administration

The MBA in International Culinary Arts positions graduates as culinary professionals with a profound understanding of the intricacies of crafting exceptional menus, managing culinary teams, and navigating the financial complexities of the restaurant industry. This program paves the way for a successful and impactful career in the ever-evolving world of international culinary arts. This program is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of not only the culinary arts but also the financial aspects of running a restaurant. Students gain valuable experience in financial management, honing their acumen in navigating the business side of the culinary sphere. The curriculum is structured to prepare students for the dynamic challenges of the culinary industry, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in both the creative and business dimensions of culinary arts.

The structure of the course consists of 6 months of study + 6 months of experience every year.

  • Graduate / Master's Degree
  • Credit: 120
  • Full-time
  • Start date: 01-09-2024
  • End date: 01-06-2026
  • Gen. Deadline: 01-06-2024
  • Int. Deadline: 21-05-2024

Admission requirements

  • IELTS: 6
  • GPA: 2.5

Aura International School Of Management

Per year Price: 9500 EUR
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